I hope everyone is enjoying this Independence Day! It is stormy here in Alabama; so it is going to be a pretty low-key day for us. Since my Hubbie is off we are just spending the day with our son. We had a leisurely morning and enjoyed a delicious brunch of fried potatoes, bacon, and scrambled eggs. We've just been snacking until we have our 4th of July dinner of Roast Chicken, Potato Salad, Corn on the Cobb, and homemade Rocky Road Ice cream. We attended a fireworks show last Saturday; so we will probably skip the huge one downtown since our dogs are terrified. People have been setting them off in our neighborhood for the past few days; I probably should have contacted our vet for a tranquilizer for my boy dog, Redd. The poor baby shakes and gets so terrified, his heart races and it's pitiful. I'll be a little sad when the flags are no longer lining the main street of town; I think it looks so beautiful.
We went to Lowe's to price lumber for a project we want to do later this year. They had a really good selection of marked-down plants, so we bought a hanging plant that matches one my parents got me for Mother's Day; so now my porch looks symmetrical again; it was only $2.50. They also had day lillies for $2, so we got two of them to plant in front of a small patch of fence at the top of our driveway. I think $2 is a great deal for perennials; I'm trying to purchase mostly perennials if I can. It makes for a lower maintenance landscape and I don't have to worry about replanting or digging them up every year.
If you've never checked it out; Lowe's always has a marked down plant rack in the outside garden department; usually hidden in a corner. They are usually 50% off, but I've seen them marked down more. Every single one out there today was as healthy and vibrant looking as the full priced ones. I February I bought some violets for $1 per 1 gallon container; they looked rough but I figured it was only $1, so I'd try it. They came right back after a few days of good watering and sunshine. I forgot to water them for a few days in this heat wave; so they're dead now; but they did pretty well.
The dill I planted in my yard this year is producing ABUNDANTLY so we harvested a whole bunch of it to give some away and I'm going to try drying it for use throughout the winter. There is still so much more out there, it's incredible. The tags on the dill at nurseries always say it pairs well with eggs, but I hadn't tried it before. It is phenomenal in scrambled eggs.
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